The information on the HTSTechTips Blog is organized chronologically by date from most recent to oldest. Starting on the Home Page you can scroll down to the bottom and then on to the Next Page and then on to the Next or Previous Page. Information is also organized into four easy to navigate Sections:
1. Categories — Each Post is assigned to one or more appropriate Categories based on the content. Clicking on one of the Categories in the left hand column will display all content, sorted from most recent to oldest, that has been included in that Category.
2. Archives — Contains all Posts grouped by the year and the month the Post was added. Clicking on the Year/Month in the right hand column will display all content, sorted from most recent to oldest, that was posted during the given Month.
3. Most Recent Posts — Contains a List of the titles of the five most recent posts. Clicking on the link takes you to the given Post where you can leave a comment or reply to existing comments.