New to using a Blog like our HTS Tech Tips and News blog? Well, my bet is that you have been to other blog sites previously without really noticing. In reality a blog is actually just a specific type of web site that allows for more frequent updates (postings) and easier interaction between site visitors and the site’s creators and writers.
The term “blog” is actually short for “weblog” which is an online journal that is regularly updated with entries called “posts.” These posts are the main reason the blog exists and consist of writings, discussions, links, pictures, graphics, videos or other related content listed in reverse-chronological order. Blogs exist because of posts, and the comments, responses and replies generated by the posts.
Blogging – The Video
If you are new to using a blog there is an excellent, short, You Tube video, “Blogs In Plain English” from a company by the name of CommonCraft that explains the basics of a blog quite well.
For more information on how the HTS Tech Tips blog functions see our “How To Use“ page. Please let us know if you have any questions or thoughts about our blog or blogs in general by leaving a note in the “Comments” section.